Skiing Tips

Skiing becomes interesting the more you train and improve. There’s always a new technique to learn every day. Whatever skiing level you’re in, you need to practice often to perfect every technique. Skiing is more enjoyable when you use the proper technique.


Here are skiing tips that will help you improve your skiing.


Short Turns

Short turns are quick succession parallel turns. This maneuver makes it possible for you to ski down the slopes. The body positioning in short turns is different from the other techniques because of the speed.

Stance: To make a short turn, you should move the ski with your legs. Ensure your posture is firmly centered with proper edging movements to enable the legs to make movements and the upper torso to remain still. Turning requires the body to be twisted severally.

Speed control: This is the most vital lesson of short turns. The speed you make on every turn must remain constant. Don’t speed up or slow down. Slowing down reduces the energy needed for the next turn. Practice more on speed control and timing to perfect this technique.

Carved Turn

Carving involves a technique in which the skis is bent to its edges. Ski carving is the fastest way to travel downhill as it preserves speed.

Stance: Twist the upper body to face down the mountain. Roll over the knees to a point the skis are cutting through the snow. To make a good carve, initiate a carve by bending the skis edges way before making a carve.

Initiating the carve: Incline your torso and extend the knees once your outside ski is balanced. Make sure your body is straight.

Skiing on Steeps

Steep skiing is a thrilling ordeal. It requires a lot of practice to gain conviction and control. When you are moving downhill, you need to:
Maintain Balance: Maintain a front-to-back and sideways body position on your skis with your shoulders pointing down the slope.

Skid Turn: Enables easier speed control.

Pick a Line: Before you head downhill, you need to plan and choose a line. Check the area for any obstacles or icy parts. Based on the observation, choose a line to ski on based on your experience or comfortability.

If you are a beginner you may want to take a look at the best beginner skis for women.

Mogul Skiing

Mogul skiing provokes different emotions in people, like fear and excitement. Perfecting mogul skiing takes a lot of practice and falls. Moguls aids in speed control which makes mogul skiing downhill easier. Here are some tips to help you in your mogul skiing journey.

Push your Weight Forward: Avoid leaning back as it increases your speed and causes falling.

Position and Stance: Maintain a flexed leg position by bending your knees, ankles, and waist. Let your legs extend and push your ski into the dips. As you ski, keep your head on the same height.

The most challenging part of mogul skiing is staying on top of your ski and not leaning back. Therefore put force on your body always to maintain its position on top of the ski.

Powder Skiing

Powder skiing is no doubt a fascinating experience of all. Turning on powder is more challenging and tricky because of the resistance. Skiing on powder is more of resistance control, not turning.

Flexion and Extension: To avoid straining your muscles flex your ankles, waist, and knees to turn both skills simultaneously. Then extend your legs to prepare for the next turn.

Weight: Also weigh on the skis evenly by maintaining a centered body position to reduce resistance and increase floating.

Leaning Back: Avoid leaning back. Steer your body using your weight to avoid increasing resistance.

Proper Use of Ropes

Hand Positioning: Grip the skis on both sides and raise your forearms in front. As a result, your weight is shifted forward. Attempt to get an angle of about 70-80 degrees. This slight adjustment will boost your ski control as your toes reach the tip of your boots.

Move your Wrists Slightly: Move you’re your wrist slightly while skiing. Moving your arms causes an imbalance. Learning to move wrists gets better when you hold your poles correctly and practice more often.

Lock your Body: Twisting your body while skiing down a hill changes your arm positioning. As a result, it causes you to lose control and balance. Therefore keep your body in the direction you are going.

Tips On Falling

Learn how to fall: Injuries are minimal when the impact part is wider. Avoid falling on one leg.

Learn How to Stand: Positions the skis to lie parallel with the slope and dig the poles behind you. This will enable you to gain balance and stand.
Getting Skis On: Start by putting on your downhill ski, then the next. Also, remove excess powder from your boots.

Skiing is a lot easier and more fun when you practice more often. It gets even better when you perfect your timing, control, stance, and positioning. Skiing requires a lot of confidence, especially when skiing in places like mountains or moguls. This said, don’t rush yourself; start by learning the basic techniques before proceeding to more difficult ones.